Thursday, December 4, 2008


Michelle (friend's sister) is heading back to Singapore today after her exams.

Kind of thought back to what I felt before. Carefree, meeting up with friends + family (Miss them heaps)...

Think I'm not alone here to think that I have yet to be 100% adjusted yet. Talked to Han + Jess yesterday and Happy that they have got their citizenship, yet when they asked me would I? I said "no".

Singapore will ultimately be my home and my country where I belong. *laughs* sounds rather patriotic actually. *laughs* Though my mentor mentioned that she has forgotten how CNY is back in Vietnam (her home country is vietnam) after being here for 12 years, I'd really wouldn't that happen to me, though I reckon its kind of going to be like that....

On a happier note, I've just realised that I've been taken off one of the biggest job in the firm and thus reduce the need to stay late. Wonder if I should feel elated (no OT) or sad (performance might be no good which is why I got taken off)....... anyway, reckon I can do a LOT more exercises then.. WOOHOO! will be pretty much heading in the GoodLife Health clubs in the city much more.

Will update more on my new place @ Spring Hill which is around 15 mins WALK from either the office or to Queen Street (Brisbane City)... happy, excited, and never more eager to MOVE!

YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! although the rent will almost be double of whatever I"m paying now..but its the CONVENIENCE!!!!!!! YAYY!!!! Happy happy happy!

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