Friday, December 5, 2008

*contented and happy*

At last, @ peace with myself.

Yesterday heard some good news that my fellow graduate (started same time as me) has been promoted to senior. Good on him! Think he deserves it and he's really really smart.

Anyway, higher role means more responsibility and I'm happy that he is already prepared to go up to senior. Well, typically it takes 0.5 years more to be given more time to "prepare" us for the task like planning and completion of a job, and I'm also happy to be given at least another 0.5 yrs to familiarise myself before i start aiming for higher levels. Hopefully its within reach.

*laughs* was talking to Michelle yesterday (my housemate)... so confusing.. but we're toying with the idea of taking a short break to either Sabah (to visit Ching and WK) whose wedding we're too busy to attend or to just head to Singapore for a short break..... tempting tempting... however will only be able to let her know when i get my results for this subject that i'm taking the exam this Tuesday.... *crossing my fingers*

studies..going really really slow......haha

alright..short update is done... back to books.

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